The Amazing Archery Twins of Gloucestershire

The Amazing Archery Twins of Gloucestershire

We are thrilled to feature two inspiring young people in our blog this month. Meet The Archery Twins Of Gloucestershire, Ava and Amber. Amber was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in November 2022 at the age of 11. Just three weeks later, she was back competing at the Indoor Nationals. 

The twins first tried archery in 2019 at a school taster session and liked it so much that they joined the Newnham Archery Club, where they train in Barebow Archery. They showed so much promise that GB Archer Patrick Huston now trains them each month. Huston has competed in the Rio 2016 and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics! 


Ava and Amber have already competed in many competitions, recently winning gold and silver at the Junior Outdoor Championships. It is their dream to compete in the Olympics. Amber will not allow type 1 to stop her from achieving her goals and is unstoppable with her sister by her side. We love a bit of girl power, and these two have it in spades! 

We recently had the honour of designing a very special customised design for Amber and are delighted with how it looks. The overlay patch is doing what it should, looking good and staying in place, so she can concentrate on winning her game. She looks fierce, determined and a true warrior. 

The twins will compete at the Junior Masters in September this year, and we wish them the best of luck. Keep practising and working hard, and we know you’ll smash it.

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